Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Maureen Singing an Aria

Maureen Singing an Aria
Originally uploaded by swanksalot
on board the Amsterdam

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kerry talk

OK - Here goes. I miss her.

She was my little sister and I loved her. I feel that I failed her. I was supposed to take care of her. I tried to inspire her to restart her life and I thought it was happening but she died anyway.

We had a lot of fun while she was on Guam - and I am so grateful to Mom and Dad for bringing her here so we could spend those weeks together. But now I miss her. And I can't stop crying.

Here is a photo of her from Leo and Eva's wedding. We had a great time as the wedding was at the Catholic church in Santa Rita and it brought back a lot of memories of years of going to Mass in Agat. The priest was really funny too, making jokes about marriage and such. Kerry, in her typical active style, kept getting up and taking photos.

I wish she were still here! But as Pat said today, she lived her whole life in great style but quickly. She was a teenager before she was a teen, married young, and retired young. And as Maureen said, she always wanted to be first at something. I guess this is it. 


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Guam is relevant?!

We found this in the New York Times today. Let us know who you are voting for in the primaries...
Political cartoon by Mike Keefe

We're back from Italy

We spent three weeks in Italy and saw great art, ate good food and drank lots of wine. Here is a photo of us at the Coliseum and another of the outside of the Murphy's Pub in Siena.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ice Floe Alaska

Ice Floe Alaska
Originally uploaded by swanksalot
probably near Tracy Arm, from the deck of the ship

Basketball Jones

Basketball Jones
Originally uploaded by swanksalot

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Photos and video from Grandma's birthday

The beautiful birthday girl and her fella.

More photos here (click to open album): Grandma's 79th Birthday album.

And here's a video: